About our dyes

As you’re checking out the dyes in our shop, you might have some questions! Here’s some general information about dyes in our catalog. BEST ON…: In product descriptions, a specific fiber may be listed as the best to use with certain dyes. However, most natural dyes work well on all natural fibers. Natural dyes do Read More

Computer Problems

Bjo’s laptop hard drive died so she’s going to be offine for a while. She fully intends to blog more regularly in the future! In the meantime, why not check out the upcoming Fiber Frolic or perhaps the hundreds of photos we have of past Griffin Dyeworks Events?

Disneyland, Christmas, 2006 recap

DISNEY DAZE: We’ve been going to Disneyland on Christmas Eve day with friends for several years now. It’s a loosely organized day starting when the park opens, going until fireworks. We don’t meet at someone’s house and leave in a group because that’s like herding cats and nobody gets anywhere on time. We go to Read More