Brazilwood Powder, 2oz


Brazilwood, 2oz

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SKU: DY-BRAZIL Categories: ,


BRAZILWOOD (Haematoxylon braziletto, Caesalpina brasiliensis, C. crista): New World and African dyewood discovered c.1500s AD by Spanish and Portuguese explorers who named a whole country after this valuable dyewood. In SE Asia, the related tree Caesalpina sappan was used. True Brazilwood is now endangered, and Eastern Brazilwood (Caesalpina sappan) is often used in its place.

Dye chemical: brazilin. Especially good on wool or silk, fairly light- and wash-fast.

Both brazilwood and sappanwood were used as pigments for medieval illuminations.

AKA: Brazil, brasiletto, brasill, brazilcium, brasyle, braxilio, breselwood, brissel, beryilium, beryinum, brexilium, Barbados pride, bluewood, fernambuco, fernambouc, Flower-fence, pernambuco wood, queen’s wood, versinum, [Fr] bois de bresil [Nahuatl] chacmol, chacal-xóchitl, nacascolotl [Gael] glasheen, glaisin [Sp] tabachín, tabaquín, flor de camarón, flor de San Francisco, flor de Guacamaya, huisache bola, quebrahacha, del monte [Port] brasa = ‘burning ember’, [Ger] das rotholz [Malay] sepang [Hawaii] laioa. [Mexico, Central America]

Amount: 2oz

Alum mordant: bright red
Copper mordant: dull red
Iron mordant: purple-brown
Tin mordant: purple-red


HISTORY NOTE: Brazilwood is related to sappanwood (Caesalpina sappan), Southeast Asian dyewood used c.1100 BC in India, Malabar, Siam, Sumatra and the Middle East; known in Genoa, Italy, by 1260 AD. The brazil noted by Medieval writers was sappanwood, perhaps Cennini’s verzino. AKA: Brazil, brasiletto, brasill, brasyle, braxilio, breselwood, brissel (C. echinata), sappan-root, sapay, sapan, sappin, southernwood, vergino, verzin [Jp] suo, suoh, shiiwa [Thai] mai fang

Additional information

Weight .125 lbs